15-16 August 2024 - Bangkok

The International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) is an annual scientific conference, associated with shared tasks on spoken language translation, where both scientific papers and system descriptions are presented.

The 21st edition of IWSLT will be run as an ACL and ELRA sponsored event, co-located with ACL 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand on 15-16 August 2024. It will be run as a hybrid event.

Shared Tasks

IWSLT 2024 hosts the following shared tasks:

All tasks followed the same schedule. For updates and communications please join IWSLT Evaluation Campaign google group.


Participation requires registration to the ACL 2024 workshops.

Special Session

IWSLT 2024 will include a special session entitled Recent Highlights in SLT

Paper Submission

IWSLT encourages submissions of scientific papers and system papers describing the participation in a shared task. Please visit the paper submission page for further information.

Important Dates

Jan 15, 2024 Release of shared task training and dev data
Apr 1-15, 2024 Evaluation period
Apr 29, 2024 Paper submission (all papers)
May 28, 2024 ARR Commitment deadline
June 4, 2024 Notification of acceptance
June 24, 2024 Camera ready deadline
July 31, 2024~~ Pre-recorded video (optional)
August 15-16, 2024 IWSLT conference

Note: All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00.

Note: ACL will support virtual attendance and oral presentations in person and remotely via the Underline platform for all registered participants. Poster presentations are expected to be on site only. Authors with a virtual registration who are unable to present their poster in person can provide a link to a video of max 15min with their presentation via this google doc. The page will be editable until July 31 and videos will be linked on the IWSLT program through the end of the IWSLT conference.


  • Marine Carpuat, University of Maryland, USA (Program Chair)
  • Marcello Federico, AWS AI Labs, USA (Conference Chair)
  • Alex Waibel, CMU, USA (Conference Chair)
  • Jan Niehues, KIT, Germany (Evaluation Chair)
  • Sebastian Stüker, Zoom, Germany (Sponsorship Chair)
  • Elizabeth Salesky, JHU, USA (Publication and Website Chair)
  • Atul Kr. Ojha, University of Galway, Ireland (Publicity Chair)

Sponsorship Opportunities

IWSLT welcomes sponsorships!