[Last update: Jan 10, 2025]


In recent years, the task of automatically creating subtitles for audiovisual content in another language has gained increasing attention, as we have seen a surge in the amount of movies, series, and user-generated videos that are being streamed and distributed all over the world. The task is a multi-faceted one: not only the translation has to be generated from speech, which is right on target for IWSLT, but also the subtitling constraints have to be respected (i.e. a proper reading speed, synchrony with the voices, maximum number of subtitle lines and characters per line).

As in 2024, in 2025 edition we propose two sub-tracks:

  • Automatic Subtitling: participants are asked to generate subtitles in Arabic and/or German of different kinds of audiovisual documents, starting from English speech
  • Subtitle Compression: participants are asked to rephrase subtitles that are non-compliant with the reading speed constraint (at most 21 characters / second) to make them compliant

and two language directions:

  • 🆕 English → Arabic
  • English → German

🔵 Automatic Subtitling

Training and Data Conditions

Two training data conditions are proposed:

  • constrained: the official training data condition, in which the allowed training data is limited to a medium-sized framework (described below) in order to keep the training time and resource requirements manageable
  • unconstrained: a setup without data restrictions (any resource, pre-trained language models can be used) to allow also the participation of teams equipped with high computational power and effective in-house solutions built on additional resources

Training Data allowed for Constrained Conditions

Data type src lang tgt lang Training corpus (URL) Version Comment
speech en – LibriSpeech ASR corpus v12 includes translations into pt, not to be used
speech en – How2 na  
speech en – Mozilla Common Voice v11.0  
speech en – Vox Populi na  
speech-to-text-parallel en ar CoVoST v2 only Arabic translation, no English transcription
speech-to-text-parallel en de CoVoST v2 only German translation, no English transcription
speech-to-text-parallel en de Europarl-ST v1.1  
text-parallel en ar UNPC v1.0  
text-parallel en de Europarl v10  
text-parallel en ar Tanzil v1  
text-parallel en ar NewsCommentary v18  
text-parallel en de NewsCommentary v18  
text-parallel en ar GlobalVoices v2018q4  
text-parallel en ar OpenSubtitles v2018  
text-parallel en de OpenSubtitles v2018 apptek partially re-aligned, filtered, with document meta-information on genre
text-parallel en ar Tatoeba v2023-04-12  
text-parallel en de Tatoeba v2023-04-12  
text-parallel en ar ELRC_2922 v1  
text-parallel en de ELRC-CORDIS_News v1  
text-monolingual – de OpenSubtitles with subtitle breaks v2018-apptek superset of parallel data, with subtitle breaks and document meta-info on genre, automatically predicted line breaks

Development and Evaluation Data

Participants are asked to automatically subtitle two kinds of audio-visual documents, where the spoken language is always English: (1) ITV entertainment series, for which subtitles in German have to be generated, and (2) news programs from the Asharq-Bloomberg platform, to be subtitled in Arabic and/or German.

Audio-visual documents of development and evaluation sets are and will be provided in MP4 format; subtitles of development sets are released in SRT (SubRip File Format) UTF-8 encoded files, the same format required for submissions.

  • ITV Studios is part of ITV Plc, which includes the UK’s largest commercial broadcaster. They create and produce a broad range of programming (drama, entertainment, factual) in 13 countries, which they distribute globally, providing high-quality subtitles. We would like to thank ITV Studios for providing IWLST with samples of their video content for research and evaluation purposes and would like to ask you not to use these videos and/or the accompanying subtitles for any commercial purposes or to make them publicly available on any other website.

    • As a dev set, 7 episodes of 3 different television series, with an approximate duration of 7 hours in total, can be downloaded from here. Note 1: some of the English SRT files were created following different subtitling guidelines than the ones used in this evaluation (e.g. they contain subtitles with 3 lines) and are provided for informational purposes only. Note 2: reference Spanish subtitles can be ignored since German is the only target language considered for ITV.
    • The test set 2025 and the test sets proposed in 2023 and 2024 editions, used here for evaluating progresses, will be released according to the evaluation campaign schedule.
  • Asharq Business with Bloomberg is part of SRMG, the largest integrated media group in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. An exclusive content agreement with ‘Bloomberg Media’ powers this distinguished business news multi-platform, drawing on Bloomberg’s comprehensive coverage from more than 2,700 journalists and analysts globally. Asharq Business with Bloomberg is a leading source for Arabic economic news rich in context and content and unparalleled market data, delivered through a TV channel and across digital and social media platforms.

    • As a dev set, 2 recordings of about 2.5 hours each, including actual Asharq-Bloomberg news content, can be downloaded from here. The archive contains a README file with important infos, audios, reference Arabic and German subtitles, and YAML files which provide the audio segments for which subtitles must be created.
    • The test set 2025 will be released according to the evaluation campaign schedule.

🟣 Subtitle Compression

Also this year, we propose the simplified sub-track where participants are asked to rephrase subtitles that are non-compliant with the reading speed constraint (> 21 CPS) to make them compliant. In this sub-task, time boundaries do not have to be changed: only the text, in a given time span, has to be compressed when necessary.

The conditions for the sub-track are:

  • Participants are provided with original AV docs (the same released for the Automatic Subtitling sub-track) and subtitles to be corrected
  • No indication is given on which subtitles need to be corrected: all of them can be processed but participants can decide to process only a portion based on the CPS values, computed with the subtitle compliance script by Papi et al., 2023. The script computes the CPS values for each subtitle by enabling the option --sentence-level. This allows participants to find the uncompliant subtitles
  • A wide range of solutions can be adopted, without limitations on the training data conditions, and including the use of LLM prompted for text compression (e.g. chatGPT)
  • The original audio, though potentially helpful, can either be used or not by participants, which can also be processed with external tools (e.g. Whisper)

An example follows of a non-conform subtitle block (dashed red) with 35 CPS, thus exceeding the 21 CPS limit, that is replaced by a conform subtitle (dashed green) with 15 CPS. Timestamps remain unchanged while the text has been compressed to not exceed the 21 CPS limit while conveying the same meaning.

* The texts present in the image are in English only for explanation purposes

Development and Evaluation Data

Subtitles to be corrected will be generated by means of a non-participating system to the Automatic Subtitling track.

  • As a dev set, we release a minimal example taken from the EuroParl Interviews (EPI) en-es test set by Papi et al., 2023. The dev set can be downloaded from here; it contains a non-compliant example with its CPS scores (block by block and overall) and the corresponding compliant version with its CPS scores.

  • The test set 2025 will be released according to the evaluation campaign schedule.


🔵 Automatic Subtitling

  • Multiple run submissions are allowed, but participants must explicitly indicate one PRIMARY run; all other run submissions are treated as CONTRASTIVE runs. In the case that none of the runs is marked as PRIMARY, the latest submission (according to the file timestamp) will be used as the PRIMARY run
  • Submissions have to be sent as a gzipped TAR archive (see format below)
  • Submissions must include test23, test24 and test25
  • Submission files have to be stored as SRT (SubRip File Format) UTF-8 encoded files
  • For each element of test sets, provide the subtitles in an SRT file whose name includes the file identifier (number) of the video

TAR archive file structure:



<UserID> = user ID of participant; use the short name chosen in the registration form
<Set>    = one of {tst25, tst24, tst23}
<VdId>   = numeric identifier of the video
<Domain> = one of {ITV, Asharq}
<Lang>   = {en-de.de} if <Domain>=ITV
         = one of {en-ar.ar,en-de.de} if <Domain>=Asharq
           (ISO 639-1 two-letter codes of languages)



Submissions must be sent as an email attachment to these two addresses:

  • cettolo AT fbk DOT eu
  • ematusov AT apptek DOT com

The email should also include the following information:

  • Institute/Company:
  • Contact Person:
  • Email:
  • Track: Automatic Subtitling
  • Data condition: Constrained/Unconstrained
  • Brief abstract about the system:
  • Do you agree that the IWSLT organizers may release your submitted system output data under an Apache 2.0 or similar license (depending on licensing details of test sets), to encourage future research? We may exclude your submissions from human evaluation without this consent. (yes/no)

🟣 Subtitle Compression

  • Submission files have to be stored as SRT (SubRip File Format) UTF-8 encoded files as the original input.
  • For each element of test sets, provide the subtitles in an SRT file whose name includes the file identifier (number) of the video.
  • Submissions have to be sent as a gzipped TAR archive.
  • Multiple run submissions are allowed, but participants must explicitly indicate one PRIMARY run; all other run submissions are considered CONTRASTIVE runs. In the case that none of the runs is marked as PRIMARY, the latest submission (according to the file timestamp) will be used as the PRIMARY run.

TAR archive file structure:

  /IWSLT25.SubtitleCompression.<VdId>.<Lang >.<UserID>.contrastive1.srt  
  /IWSLT25.SubtitleCompression.<VdId>.<Lang >.<UserID>.contrastive2.srt  


<UserID> = user ID of the participant; use the short name chosen in the registration form
<VdId>   = numeric identifier of the video
<Lang>   = one of {en-ar.ar, en-de.de} (ISO 639-1 two-letter codes of languages)



Submissions must be sent as an email attachment to these two addresses:

  • cettolo AT fbk DOT eu
  • ematusov AT apptek DOT com

The email should also include the following information:

  • Institute/Company:
  • Contact Person:
  • Email:
  • Track: Subtitle Compression
  • Brief abstract about the system/method:
  • Do you want to make your submissions freely available for research purposes? (yes/no)


DISCLAIMER: It is expected that participants will use only the audio track from the provided videos (dev and test sets), the video track being of low quality and provided primarily as a means to verify time synchronicity and other aspects of displaying s ubtitles on the screen.

🔵 Automatic Subtitling

The evaluation of subtitling quality is a complex problem on its own since both the translation quality and the compliance with subtitling constraints have to be considered at the same time. We adopt the following metrics, where limits of acceptability for the conformity metrics (LPB, CPS, CPL) are set following the TED guidelines:

Scoring will be case-sensitive and will include the punctuation.

🟣 Subtitle Compression

For the subtitle compression sub-track, the following metrics will be used:

BLEURT and CPS will be both considered as primary scores since the texts should be compressed without significantly impacting their quality.

Scoring will be case-sensitive and will include the punctuation.


  • Mauro Cettolo, FBK
  • Evgeny Matusov, AppTek
  • Matteo Negri, FBK
  • Marco Turchi, Zoom Video Communications
  • Patrick Wilken, AppTek



  • Mauro Cettolo, FBK, Italy
  • Evgeny Matusov, AppTek, Germany

Discussion: iwslt-evaluation-campaign@googlegroups.com